August 2023 Newsletter

Greetings and Welcome to the San Juan Dems August 2023 Newsletter!        

We have been reaching out to San Juan County citizens---throughout the summer to remind them that we represent a large portion of San Juan County voters. In addition to a Visitor Table at the Fourth of July festivities in Blanding, we also had a table at the Pioneer Day celebrations in the park in Monticello. To continue in the spirit of “good ole San Juan County events”, four of us manned a table at the County Fair on August 5th. Seated across from the 4H auction barn, and directly on the path that everyone had to take to purchase snacks, we made eye contact with all the cowboys (young and old) attending the fair. While we didn’t attract any new names for our email list (some were already registered with us), we did network with locals who were surprised that there ARE at least four Democrats in San Juan County. Commissioner Bruce Adams and County Manager Mack MacDonald each greeted us with a laugh, and that was priceless! After placating one vocal visitor twice - once about Bears Ears and once about gun control – we packed up knowing we’d had a tremendous fair-food lunch and fun visiting with each other. We highly recommend you sign up to help us reach out to your neighbors, as we continue these table events throughout the year.

“Why the County Matters to You” Flyers & Posters---were translated & printed in both Navajo & English and are being distributed. For a copy please email or

Rural Utah Power Grant---(now called Contest Every Race-CER) has approved a one-year grant to SJC Dems. Officers and District Chairs have completed at least three trainings. Each month we must complete different MONTHLY GOAL(s) or different EVERGREEN ACTIONS. We met Evergreen actions for July by having our monthly meeting and attending a community event. We met our Evergreen actions for August by attending the county fair, having our monthly meeting, etc. Ricky Begaye has accepted the position of organizing a Youth Vote Subcommittee, for a September action.

Native American Caucus of the Utah Dems Party---NAC does Outreach to Indigenous groups. Davina is Chair and Garrett Vice-Chair. They are proposing a listening tour of seven tribes and/or a Native art activity.

Field Team 6---is the voter registration process under Vince Olsen, the Multi-County Chair for the State Party. Garrett is working to write the text and phone call scripts for contacting unregistered voters in SJC.

With the upcoming 2024 election for the District One County Commissioner seat---we are searching for a Democratic candidate. Davina is running again for Utah State House District 69 in 2024, so if you are interested in being a candidate for County or State offices, please contact us so we can present a full slate of candidates.

The San Juan County Democratic Party's mission---is to support strategies, opportunities, and access for all SJC residents to the rights and resources of rural Utah life. We also encourage the protection of public lands for generations to come.

If you would like to help us achieve our goals---please consider donating today. Your dollars go much further at the local level. You can send a check to the SJC Democratic Party at P.O. Box 491, Monticello Utah 84535, or donate online at  Join us for monthly meetings on the second Sunday of each month at 1 pm by contacting Janet Ross to be added to the list:


May 2023 Newsletter